Fremantle Art Centre submission

Joel Gailer - PRINT proposal


This proposition is to exhibit my print works from 2004 to 2021 in a suitably sized gallery space. This exhibition would articulate the development of my print practice through diverse printmaking outcomes, from screenprinting to performance. Experimental printmaking will be a primary focus of the project. The exhibition display would be somewhat chronological, beginning with my early offset lithographic magazine prints, of which the City of Fremantle art collection acquired Hot process in 2008. The magazine print series has numerous printed outcomes that have never been exhibited together.

Printmaking continues to be a primary artistic discipline, and the intrinsic reproductive qualities of print media has had a lasting influence on my studio production. Winning the Fremantle Print Award is a highlight of my artistic practice. With this success in 2008 I was energised to explore printmaking methodologies for their intrinsic agency, which I perceived as vehicles for social and political exploration.

My enquiries created opportunities for collaboration, traditional craft, performance, painting and digital outcomes. From 2008 to the present I have developed a personally significant and impacting print practice, evidenced by my PhD dissertation, The paradox of the copy: copying and mimicry in social change, 2017.

A formative conceptual premise for this exhibition would be performance and collaboration. Performprint, the collective which had its formation at the Fremantle Art Centre, would feature significantly and I envision multiple performances during the exhibition period.

More recent print works include the development of an Augmented Reality printing press that seamlessly integrates with print and luminous colour experiments using high resolution drum-scanning.

In addition and during the exhibition, I would like to develop a community reach-out program aimed at the collaborative development of new performances and community actions. Initial methods to achieve this would include posters and flyer distribution.


1.     Joel Gailer_Hot metal 2009, offset print prublished in Island literary magazine_21 x 21cm

2.     Joel Gailer_4 panel square_2010_offset print published in Art Alamanc_42 x 60cm

3.     Gailer_Unique state_2012_offset print published in Art Monthly and stamp_dimensions variable

3a. Joel Gailer_Unique state_2012_offset print published in Art Monthly and stamp_dimensions variable

4.      Joel Gailer_ Rodeo_2010_signwriting on haybales_3 x 5 x 3m

5.     Joel Gailer Print_2011_commercial posters_dimensions variable_dimensions variable

6.     Performprint_FAC Print Awards, Bearings, beauty and irrelevance, duration 1 hour, 2014

7.     Performprint_ Installation view FOLA 2016, duration 12 hours

8.     Joel Gailer_Vailala madness, 2017, mixed media and digital print on paper, 180 x 100cm.

9.     Joel Gailer_The weight of postmodernism_2018_performance_duration 1 hour

10.   Something between us, 2020 Augmented Reality (AR)_documentation

10a. Something between us, 2020 Augmented Reality (AR)_video documentation

1. Joel Gailer Hot metal 2009 offset print published in Island literary magazine 21  21cm.png
2. Joel Gailer_4 panel square_2010_offset print published in Art Alamanc_42 x 60cm.png
3. Joel Gailer_Unique state_2012_offset print published in Art Monthly and stamp_dimensions variable.jpg
3a. Joel Gailer_Unique state_2012_offset print published in Art Monthly and stamp_dimensions variable.jpg
4. Joel Gailer_ Rodeo_2010_signwriting on haybales_3 x 5 x 3m.jpg
5. Joel Gailer Print_2011_commercial posters_dimensions variable_dimensions variable.JPG
6. Performprint_FAC Print Awards, Bearings, beauty and irrelevance, duration 1 hour, 2014  Jessica Wyld.jpg
7. Performprint_ Installation view FOLA 2016, duration 12 hours.jpg
8. Joel Gailer_Vailala madness, 2017, mixed media and digital print on paper, 180 x 100cm.jpg
9. Joel Gailer_The weight of postmodernism_2018_duration 1 hour.jpg
10. Joel Gailer_Something between us, 2020_Augmented Reality (AR) .JPG