Projects Blog


Over the years, as I experimented with new methods, my prints began to take on a more sculptural 3 dimensional quality. The lines between methods blurred as I realised print could extend into many other disciplines. Sculpture was an accidental outcome which came about when I looked closely at other forms of print, such as the car tyre print on the ground.

Go-roundstencil on haybales3 x 5 x 3mPhoto: Michael Meneghetti


stencil on haybales

3 x 5 x 3m

Photo: Michael Meneghetti

Susannah's table (on view in the Fremantle Print Award)Table top relief print90 x 180 x 90cmPhoto: Fremantle Arts Centre

Susannah's table (on view in the Fremantle Print Award)

Table top relief print

90 x 180 x 90cm

Photo: Fremantle Arts Centre

Gov't bend

screenprint on aluminium

180 x 250 cm

Untitledwood and paper2 x 3 x 1.5cm


wood and paper

2 x 3 x 1.5cm

H.W.Y dreams and between You and MeInstallation viewPhoto: RMIT University

H.W.Y dreams and between You and Me

Installation view

Photo: RMIT University

Hors de Commerce

Hors de Commerce

Prima facie

hot iron brand on pig skin

12 x 12 50cm

H.W.Y dreams 2(Give me some relief)

H.W.Y dreams 2(Give me some relief)